Josh Klein, Unorthodox Systems Thinker
“Josh Klein is the quintessential hacker – a cross-disciplinary, pattern recognizing polymath who takes his greatest joy from combining the unexpected and seeing the result work in new and better ways.”
Josh Klein is a passionate hacker of all things. He examines systems, he takes them apart, and he puts different pieces together to produce something new and more effective. He hacks. Everything. His list includes social systems, computer networks, institutions, consumer hardware, animal behavior, and many more. Klein knows that the greatest innovations come from rethinking ordinary situations or hacking- a do-it-yourself movement with roots inside the engineering community.
A hacker is someone who is willing to take a system apart to create new opportunities. A “hack” in the traditional engineering sense is a clever re-use of technology or systems to achieve a superior result. It’s also increasingly the most common means of innovation available to any organization or individual. Join Joshua Klein as he explains how hacking allows success everywhere, for anyone – from the tooth fairy to the publishing industry – and how we as hackers can herald global improvements by being exactly who we are.