Larisa Leventon

Larisa Leventon

Founder of Dot Dash 3 ( .- .-. – )

Larisa Leventon

Larisa Leventon is the founder of Dot Dash 3, an artistic movement focused on the innovative use of technology to promote art and help deliver it to the widest audience. Dot Dash 3 is just one result of Larisa’s visionary leadership in the field of immersive 3D communications technologies. Larissa is leading a revolution in 3D technology that helps surgeons perform surgery and doctors diagnose cancer more accurately, educators teach more creatively and content creators take viewers through videos and virtual worlds where they can interact with and manipulate the content. This work puts Larisa’s ideas into practice, and helps demonstrate her belief that the human mind can absorb and better use greater amounts of data by revising its form and delivery.

Prior to founding Dot Dash 3, Larisa was a noted portfolio manager at SAC. She holds an undergraduate degree in applied mathematics from M.I.T., and a Ph.D. from Brown University.